Buy today on pay away

What is Market on your behalf?

Despite what you may think selling your car is not an easy process and to do it properly it actually starts way before you take a couple of haphazard photos and half arsed description of the vehicle in question. We provide from start to finish service ensuring that your car is presented in the best state it can be when it goes to the market. We have full mechanical services for W.O.F and servicing if needed, paint and panel as well as paint less dent removal to tidy up any bodywork, upholstery and full grooming services. We have worked hard to ensure that you’ll get any required services at the best price possible.

Being a licensed dealership helps build confidence with the buyer and often we can achieve a far better price for your car than you would get advertising it yourself and due to the fact we handle the whole process this frees up your time and saves you the hassle of having people coming around to your house in the weekends and evening to view the car.

We also offer the ability to trade the buyers current car, full finance facility, Mechanical warranties and other insurances we can offer to the buyer to build more security in the purchase

We take care of the whole marketing process of your vehicle from professional style photos to the description unique to your car highlighting its individual features and history.

Once the vehicle goes live we will handle all incoming inquiry and process the leads as needed. We manage all appointments and test drives and enter into discussions with the buyer with the aim to bring you an offer or a contract for sale. If any negotiations on price are needed we negotiate on your behalf to secure the best deal we possibly can with the customer and will only agree to a price once you are completely happy with the offer achieved.

What if we still need use of the car?

In this case we just make an amendment to the advertising the vehicle as by appointment only. We will then set a time that works with you to get the car off you so we can follow the process as normal. We qualify the customer to ensure that they are a serious buyer so we minimise bringing your car in unnecessarily.

What does this service cost me?

Well if you take into account all the time saved and the fact that advertising through a dealership will achieve higher pricing than that of a private sale then the cost of this service is almost costing you nothing.

A one off selling fee of $2200 including GST once sold.
NB - any other services like groom and mechanical etc are charged on top of this amount if any of these services are used.

When do I pay?

All payments are taken at completion of sale and there are no costs to you until all money has been received for the sale.

What if I want to cancel the marketing at any time?

No problem, there is a charge of $395 plus GST just to cover all marketing and listing costs. Other than that you are free to go.

How do we get our car listed?

If you are Interested in taking your car to the market with this service get in contact with us and we’ll start the process for you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact us
Open hours
  • Monday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Wednesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Saturday: 10.00am - 4.00pm
  • Sunday: Closed
Where to find us
